Friday, July 15, 2011

Tether Points

We don’t know all there is to know about ghosts.  Heck, some people don’t even believe they exist.  Why does a ghost haunt a particular place?  Can a ghost haunt more than one place?

As it turns out, some ghosts have been found to haunt more than one location.  Abraham Lincoln’s ghost has been spotted in both the White House and near his resting place in Springfield, Illinois – not to mention the witnesses who claim to have seen his ghost train.

But why do ghosts haunt particular places?  Well, we can only surmise that they are there because it is a place that retains some significance to them.  They may have lived there, died there, or perhaps it was a favorite place to visit.  But a small part of the answer lies in yet another paranormal realm: witchcraft.  I don’t mean Wicca, but real, Old World Witchcraft.  For thousands of years people throughout Europe have practiced Witchcraft.  Many of the spells and chants of the craft can be reproduced by anyone, but only a person with the blood of an Old World Witch has the power to make them happen.

How do I know this?  My wife and I are acquainted with an Old World Witch.  She has a book of spells, chants and charms in her native German that she uses quite often.  The book is very old and has been passed down several generations.  But there are limits to each witch’s abilities.  Most Old World Witches cannot significantly alter the world around them, but almost all of them can affect the underworld where ghosts and the undead reign.

One particular spell requires the ghost’s cooperation.  This spell creates “tether points” which will draw a ghost to a particular location.  This can only be done if the ghost willingly agrees to it and the number of tether points is set by the ghost.  Some choose thousands, while others choose very few.  Incidentally, ghosts don’t experience time the same way we do, so they can appear to be in more than one place at a time, which is why thousands of tether points are possible.

Another thing about ghosts – they are everywhere!  Most people come into contact with ghosts everyday without knowing it.  Only under extremely perfect conditions can a ghost affect their surroundings, such as moving objects, making noises or become visible.  Sometimes their touch on our world is so subtle it’s difficult to tell they were there.  If you’ve ever thought you heard a noise you couldn’t quite describe or saw something out of the corner of your eye, you probably detected a ghost.

My wife and I believe in ghosts.  We know they exist because we have seen them, heard them, and made contact with some of them.  Many even agreed to let us, with the help of our acquaintance, create “tether points”, which we focus into small amber bottles.  We think of these ghosts, who freely range around our house, as friends.  They can explore a few hundred feet in any direction from the bottle. 

I have often referred to them as My Ghost Pals.  They love to listen and learn about the world we live in.  We take them with us when we go to the movies, on vacation, or even just to the store.  They have become an important part of our lives. 

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